Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chiru is my Guru!

Chiru is my Guru!This is not a new strategy as plenty of successful Telugu music directors diversed their profession to full fledged film Directors. Latest of the stream is RP Patnaik critically applauded with the movie 'Broker'.
Now, a failure music director Raj is to debut as director. Raj is more popular for teaming with Koti and their pair is prominently called Raj-Koti which offered memorable hits for heroes like Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna and other top heroes. Raj is also a character artist and the name of his new project debuting as director is 'Chiru Naa Guruvu'. New hero named Rahul Rathod will debut as hero with this and story of the film will spin around the star status of Chiranjeevi. 

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